Announcements Vu+ PlayerHD for iPhone & iPad

Thanks for the advice! Like I said, everything else works well and the l'astuce time I've done an upgrade, I had some problems with plugins! If it would solve the problem with the Vu+ player HD, I would do it...
I am using last Bh 2.1.5 and I have no problem with Vu+ Player HD (it works very fine with iPhone & iPad).
I can only Stream on the ipad The content of my vu+ solo2 Hard drive. No live channels. But I can see the channel list ?
Everything works very well for me on Android, but when the channel starts to play the on screen hints seem to stay on the screen permanently unless I close them with the icon in the bottom right of the screen. Does anyone know if they be made to clear automatically after a few seconds? I can't find any options.

New update v 1.3.4 and no good News

And all thanks for DVP


Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
Hi, I have issues running 1.3.5 version on iPad with iOS 10.0.2
It is showing me the connection error when I want to setup connection manually, automatic is not working also. Tried with box turned on or in standby. The funny thing is that iPhone application that is not updated several years can connect, but no HD programs are on the list
What's New in Version 1.4.0
Support Solo4k when in idle server mode
Support Ultimo4k and Uno4k
Support both live stream and transcoding stream

I installed the app in iPad Air 2 but unfortunately it doesn't support vu+ zero.

Do you know any good iOS app to stream from zero?

Thanks in advance.

I can't watch live tv with this app. I can access my recordings on the STB, use the remote, use the bouquet editor but when i go to live tv, I have a black screen, I see on the left side the first favorites bouquet. I can scroll to change favorites list or scroll down the list of channels in my favorites. What is strange is that when i go to take a screen shot, it works. It does capture a screen shot of what is playing on my tv from the STB but can't watch live TV???

app version 1.4.0
I use iPad on iOS 10
My STB is a Vu+ Solo2
image is a Blackhole 3.0.4

Thank you for your feedback,

this app dont work in new blackhole , its find the vuplus box but cant connect . but original image works not blackhole
Unable to watch the same channel on my Tablet that is playing on my TV but can see all other channels on the tablet OK
I have my VU duo set on the loop through option
Any clues please