1channel (putlocker) Plugin by @subixonfire

Testirao sam na Vu+Uno i radi super.
Hvala na pluginu.
I tested the Vu + Uno and works great.
Thanks for the plugin.
I heard that the plugin works just as well as the Istria brandy.
because I have no receiver for test
So I tried it tonight.:chair:
My daughter is happy because the show has a lot of Kardashians.
Rekla je Vauuuuuuuuuu koliko ima show od Kardashians. Tko će je manuti od Tv-a. :D
I had tested also,and it dont work..image is BH 1.7.6..
I did already write it about on novisf..

I use VU+ Uno and BH 1.7.5 and the 1channel plugin works as a charm! Also search works fine even there`s written that it`s "unstable as hell". Try to copy my folder to: usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions

Plugin browser
Plugin Browser.jpg

Main menu
1channel Main menu.jpg

A movie list by alphabet
1channel Main menu end.jpg

A movie list under "A"
List of movies by aplhabet.jpg

Info for chosen movie
Info for choosen movie.jpg

Playing the chosen movie
Playing the chosen movie.jpg


I would like to say my big thank you to "subixonfire", who is the developer of this great plugin. You have done a great work. Thank you very much for all your effort and time you have spent on this project. As you see, it was worth it and people love it! :thanks:

Let me ask you a few questions. Is it possible to add any movie to your database by end users (us)? I mean if we have a good quality rips and would like to share `em (add them) can we do it, or it is completely up to you?
What about dead links? Can we report them to you and if yes, where/how? There are a few dead links I`ve found...
By the way the search is stable as far as I tried it. Here are a few pictures...

Search for desired movie

Search result
Search result.jpg

Alphabetical result of movies containing the searched word
A list of Alien movies.jpg
I use VU+ Uno and BH 1.7.5 and the 1channel plugin works as a charm! Also search works fine even there`s written that it`s "unstable as hell". Try to copy my folder to: usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions

Plugin browser
View attachment 8026

Main menu
View attachment 8028

A movie list by alphabet
View attachment 8029

A movie list under "A"
View attachment 8030

Info for chosen movie
View attachment 8031

Playing the chosen movie
View attachment 8032

This version is very old, think before tvshow got supported, please use latest version!

About other things you asked:

This plugin gets all info from http://1channel.ch website, you can report dead links there, add new movies there to...

Ps: Plugin clearly states that all redistribution is strictly prohibited!!! Just joking this time... :)
Hi, my 1channel is crashing. ive got a vu+duo running the vix 2.4.207 image, i get up to the putlocker screen, then if i select one it crashes, am i doing something wrong ?
it worked fine on the 2.4.151 before but not since i reinstalled the updated image ???
New version with no usb files is now on the server.
What is the purpose of the usb files ?

Hosts other then putlocker / sockshare have unstable (jumpy) download/stream speed. This makes regular streaming freeze and/or block. Usb files (usb version) tries to find some storage device with enough free space (hdd/ usb flash) to download video file, then plays it from there with a little delay. That fixes this problems...
Hosts other then putlocker / sockshare have unstable (jumpy) download/stream speed. This makes regular streaming freeze and/or block. Usb files (usb version) tries to find some storage device with enough free space (hdd/ usb flash) to download video file, then plays it from there with a little delay. That fixes this problems...
Thanks for the explanation.