What is cause of this problem on bluepanel info, epg
Just after installing the image... NOTHING ELSE installed
thank you for your kind advisr...but i got thst errot'Please, don´t post external links or pictures, gif´s or whatelse containing external links.
thank you
best regards
Connect to your box via telnet (I suggest to use the best Windows utility for that called PUTTY) and issue the command:
Code:date -s YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss
Thanks Blackhole, everything is ok for me.
May I ask you the name of the picon on your screenshot?
This solution pointed to, does not help if you are not connected to a dish.
How to then set the box to a channel with time?
Why would some use the box without a dish or cableTV connected?
We had hoped that Vu+ had fixed this problem, which is why we pushed the 3.0.2.A update out so quickly.after update version 3.0.2 A ,kodi dont fixed,why?
what i did to have the display properly with Kodi:
i tried to change the resolution from the video output 1280 780p to 1280 720 sbs.when i changed it solo2 kind of freezed.couldnt give any command with remote control.preesed the power buton for 12 seconds to restart the box and when restarted i had a perfect codi display.