Black Hole 3.0.2 Vu+ Solo2 Kodi

What is cause of this problem on bluepanel info, epg
Just after installing the image... NOTHING ELSE installed
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thank you
best regards
thank you for your kind advisr...but i got thst errot'
,and how to uploaf pivturr without rct link'?

i lovr bh imsge
BH staff, nothing to say about Kodi issues????? Just a "we're working on it" or "taking a look at..." Please
It's 100% functional, with help of ntp ever heard of that ?
(and it helped OP in that thread, or ??)

If you can't get it, perhaps try this one instead :

edit : or use @angelofsky1980 suggestion date -s YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss

This solution pointed to, does not help if you are not connected to a dish.
How to then set the box to a channel with time?

Why would some use the box without a dish or cableTV connected?
Thanx for Your great work :) Works like a charm.
Only problem is kodi. I can for the life of me not get it to work. When i want to play one of my movies from my nas (.mkv) it does absolutely nothing, well black screen is something :-P
Same thing with Genesis (addon for finding series etc.) cant play anything. So my question goes, is jarvis the best build for my vu+ solo2? i have a cubox i4pro with isengard installed, which i wanted to retire, but seems like i have to hold on to that, until kodi is fully functional on my box.
thanks alot wonderful Blak hole team , but i have a question, when installing the epg on the entireflash , it doesnot work propably , for example, the boot logo epg doesnot have lhe version number . what can i do to be installed as it ? . waiting yoyr urgent help .
after update version 3.0.2 A ,kodi dont fixed,why?
We had hoped that Vu+ had fixed this problem, which is why we pushed the 3.0.2.A update out so quickly.

However as it seems it is not fixed, will we add our own fix to Kodi in the next update (which will be available in a few days time).
what i did to have the display properly with Kodi:
i tried to change the resolution from the video output 1280 780p to 1280 720 sbs.when i changed it solo2 kind of freezed.couldnt give any command with remote control.preesed the power buton for 12 seconds to restart the box and when restarted i had a perfect codi display.
what i did to have the display properly with Kodi:
i tried to change the resolution from the video output 1280 780p to 1280 720 sbs.when i changed it solo2 kind of freezed.couldnt give any command with remote control.preesed the power buton for 12 seconds to restart the box and when restarted i had a perfect codi display.

For now ... until it´s fixed you can do this -->

best regards