hola yo tenia Estoy usando mi vu + Duo corriendo BH 1.7.3 mi va bien la flashio con esta versión BH 1.7.8 y no arranca argén sabe porque no arranca
Hi All,
Thanks to the BH Team. 1.7.8 - another classic Image.
The 'Plug In' - '1 Chanel Video on demand' is an excellent piece of work.
Many thanks,
Did you try to format your usb stick?what is wrong with this image always used the same usb stick but htis time i wont work ?
Hi, I recently got a VU+ Duo running Blackhole 1.7.8.
Can someone tell me how to ge a 7 day epg & the 1 - channel plug-in installed
I have installed both options of 1.7.8 (one at a time) and each time within 5/10 minutes the PLUGINS directory in Menu disapears? I have now put 1.7.5 back on and all is ok.
Your statement is not clear, will U please, give more info!
I was running BH 1.7.5. on my Vu+ Duo. I upgraded to BH 1.7.8 without HbbTv. The install completed 100% ok. All my settings were installed and all was working well. After 5 minutes or so while working within the Menu (looking at dish settings) I noticed that the PLUGINS directory had disappeared from the Menu. I searched around but could not find. I decided to reload the Flash but this time loaded the full version of BH 1.7.8 including HbbTv. This operation completed 100% ok. I installed all my settings again and all ok. I started to search for HbbTv programs on 13E. Not sure of how to activate HbbTv I looked in the Menu and to my surprise PLUGINS had disappeared again (When the installation compleated and my settings were reinstalled the PLUGINS directory was showing in the menu). The time between completing the full install and noticing the missing file would have been no more than 10 minutes. I could not find any way of reinstating the missing PLUGINS folder so reinstalled BH 1.7.5 and now all is ok. The PLUGINS directory remains ok on BH 1.7.5.
What I would like to know is why PLUGINS disappears on the new BH 1.7.8?
I would like to run this updated software.
I hope this gives you the info you require.
- U have upgraded to BH 1.7.8 without HbbTV,,,,Then how possible to acctivate HbbTV!
- Make BH personal backup, that will save your settings and all plug-ins!
- If want to use HbbTv,,,install the complete BH 1.78!