hard reset: menu > black hole shutdown > hard reset
cross epg configuration:
menu > setup > cross epg > configure,
then you have to select:
storage device: (I recommend USB if you have one)
enable csv import: yes
force epg reload on boot: yes
download on tune: yes
scheduled download: (you can select what time epg will be downloaded - my settings: disable, I'm downloading epg when I can't see it - usually every 6,7 days)
show as plugin: yes
show as extension: yes
show 'force reload' as plugin: yes
then press exit and scroll down to: 'update rytec providers', press OK; scroll down to 'update xepgdb' providers - then press OK.
Next step is to set required providers (I only use xepgdb providers)
Scroll up to 'xepgdb providers'
then press OK,
and select all required providers from the list (press green to enable provider)
After all press yellow to download epg.
That will take a while, depends how many epg providers you've chosen.
You can also download epg through green panel (by pressing green on your remote control) then scroll down to 'crossepg downloader'
That's all about cross epg configuration