javad ghasemi
Vu+ Newbie
thank you very much
Did you try to mount your HDD by BH Devices Manager?Need some help, I'm new to Black Hole. I had VTI before, initialized hard disk with EXT2 file system. BH doesn't recognize the hard disk. Some hints how to mount the hdd without reinitializing and loosing all data?
Yes, but the hdd doesn't show up there. An entry in /etc/fstab and expert view has solved the problem, but hdd still not showing up in Devices Manager.Did you try to mount your HDD by BH Devices Manager?
Blue Panel > BH Apps > Devices Manager >Mount Points...
Is any solution for this issue!Same same problem her.
The Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home(DVBC-T) does not work any more. I can not scan manually the channels!!!
Sorry, not sure what your problem is then. not upgraded just yet but will look out for the problem when do.Update on message above: Hard restart fixed it.
Yes, as I wrote, the same file I already had installed, few weeks old. Downloaded new one, and checked the file, the transponders are there. Not a problem in earlier version. And it finds them when I choose "network scan" but that takes awful long time.
You have missed to buy an original box!I tried installing Blackhole after loading it onto a USB stick but my Openbox S6000HD wouldn't update.
Can anyone suggest what I may have missed? I have tried two different USB sticks without success.
can we expect airplay built in in the next release 2.0.7?
That would be the best feature ever!