Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 2.0.3 Hyperspace

how can I Play a movie from the server on my home network without it lagging, is there no opportunity to make my VU + Ultimo make buffer before it starts to play the movie?
how can I Play a movie from the server on my home network without it lagging, is there no opportunity to make my VU + Ultimo make buffer before it starts to play the movie?

I'm sorry to say,

If so then you have a bad server or local network.(You use wired network or WLAN?)
I'm recording and watching the same over the network from a network drive without any problems with wired network and with VU+ Wlan 300Mb/s stick
using cifs mount network HDD on ultimo , solo e.t.c
how can I Play a movie from the server on my home network without it lagging, is there no opportunity to make my VU + Ultimo make buffer before it starts to play the movie?
Also in my situation Vu+Ultimo works very well in wired network. I record and whatch programs on a synology nas and all works fine.
Explain your situation about the problem.
Hi there, can someone help me, i can't making work my epg panel and even cross epg, when i use the epg panel is geting in crash when i dowload a epg bouquet..i been using that with default skin also and crash..also..

some one can give me advide why is happening that?=


It is a great image 2.0.3 on Vu Ultimo
But i notice it take a lot of ram,
I use clearmem plugin to free ram,
Any recommendation??

thank you for the greatest Image.

But how can i get to the Teleportation.

I have formated many usb Sticks to fat32 and do the things what are displayed on screen, but nothing happens.
I mounted to /universe but nothing.

What should i do ?

Please HELP.

thank you for the greatest Image.

But how can i get to the Teleportation.

I have formated many usb Sticks to fat32 and do the things what are displayed on screen, but nothing happens.
I mounted to /universe but nothing.

What should i do ?

Please HELP.

You have NOT to forrmat fat32.
You have to format linux ext4 and then mount to universe.
but i mounte it to /universe.

blue blue Device Manager, choose usb and mount to /universe by pressing right till mount and then press ok. then it reboots and when i press red long, nothing.