
EleganceHD C

classical no PIG







Yes, this skin (V1) has been also completed and is now in testing.
Changed the graphics (a bit less bright), and completed a major coding
after the last NO Pig skin, we had a big change
in the image coding and the new panels.
Skin is very fast in spite of large ico files 256x256 pix
improved speed because of coding.
You know, when Dzoni says that is a good skin
it is something very Special :help:

joke hehehh Dzoni

I do not know when it will be skins ,I hope in one of next images
but these are very good skins both versions PIG and NO PIG
both with most complete coding .
You know, when Dzoni says that is a good skin
it is something very Special :help:

joke hehehh Dzoni

I do not know when it will be skins ,I hope in one of next images
but these are very good skins both versions PIG and NO PIG
both with most complete coding .

Com"on Prince Max10,
Please , make BH Lovers enjoy at least one of the skins,,,,!
May be the NO PIG skin.....:inlove:!


BH Lover
Definitely my favorite skin, thanks for the work !
Took me some time to figure what PIG monitor standed for (google returned a lot of different content, lol), if that "Picture In Graphic" is the smaller TV screen you got on some menu, don't understand how it slow zapping with infobar only ... but all I need is to try it :p