Hi, @nunigaia , I just ready to install the Mediaplayer 2. I have read your tutorial about the installation. However, I still have some questions.
1. If I install the Mediaplayer 2, Can I still keep the EMC in my receiver without uninstall it?
2. I plan to install the latest version Mediaplayer 2( Ver 0.59) and Sub ssupport (Ver 1.52, beta 3) (the 5 ipk files). Do I need to install (copy) the to the folder of XBMC as your mentioned in the tutorial? What the python-difflib ..... is?
3. Regarding to un-install the default classic mediaplayer, you use Dream control tool, when selected the mediaplayer folder, press the delete button to un-install the classic mediaplayer. What it means? It means 'delete the folder' or 'The dream tool will run a procedure to un-install the classic mediaplayer and modify related settings? Because I use a different FTP tool access my receiver, only can do delete.
4. Regarding the SSH/Telnet in your Fig 2 in the tutorial, the instuction says we should run 3 commands, opkg remove .... , What they are for? I have not install any mediaplayer2 yet, why I need to remove ? or The 3 commands just clean the file list of the package registration? Do I have to run them?
Sorry for so many questions.
1. Yes, in that case you could use EMC like your default player on Enigma2 ( HDD local files, per ex. ), alias, i use it in my VU+ DUO2, because it´s more simple to locate MOVIES, or what else, when i have covers with the same name as the MEDIA files.
2. Yes, and python it´s for solving plugin dependencies.
3. Yes, means for you delete MEDIAPLAYER folder on extensions.
4. It´s for: In case you have installed MEDIAPLAYER2 previously, uninstall it, to make a clean install. If you haven´t MEDIAPLAYER2 installed, you can skip this procedure!.
5. Not questioned but answered: The Ubuntu fonts, it´s for the settings Subtitles, you can configure under Subssuport configuration, althought, subssuport will use regular fonts to display subtitles.
best regards