I really don't know.Is there an easy way to combine two .po files?
How do you want to combine them?
I really don't know.Is there an easy way to combine two .po files?
@all translators:
There is no hurry, but i just would like to have confirmation that all people that gave availability to translate but didn't post translation yet, still want to do it.
Thx to all.
Explain better please,Hi Tamaki,
I believe that it should be better that you share an excell document (google doc for example), so anybody can access it and add translation to it.
It would be faster to translate and update, and you do not need to wait for 1 complete file, everyone can contribute to the community!
You just need to have a script to save each language detail (tab where are the specific country translation) in a .po file...
I really don't know.
How do you want to combine them?
The file you have to translate is a text file so you can modify it.My translation that is in one .po file A to K and another guys translation that is from K. Two files
Explain better please,
It should be interesting.
My idea is based on an example for translation of an android app!
The author create a google doc and everyone have aceess to translate it in a proper language:
You can reuse the same concept to translate VU+ labels!Code:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqDmTb8hPk02dFdVUnBaa1RDc184NlQtNk9veTZqRXc#gid=0
You just need is to found a way to reuse your google doc file and create a script (in notepad++ for example) to build automaticlly the .po file...
This will take some time to create the google doc the 1st time, but after that any new translation will be easilly shared and updatable.
I hope you understand my idea.
My translation that is in one .po file A to K and another guys translation that is from K. Two files
I use Poedit for translating, can I use Word to copy it all into one file?
Ok, what should I pay attention to? I am not a coder, only a translater, so want it to be correct...
I just begun with sk.po translation, I'll open Slovak Language section (I hope at end of week) when it'll be tested.
Sure, put it on forum, so it can be tested.Allmost done, 50 strings to finish and test it. @Tamaki: Give me (if you want) OK to publish Beta after testing.
Předělal jsem českou lokalizaci, protože ta původní je plná chyb. Dodělal jsem to co šlo. Ne všechny řetězce se ale zobrazují v češtině. Asi chyběly v .pot souboru.
I remade the Czech localization, because the original is full of errors. I finished what was going on. But not all strings are displayed in English. Guess in the .pot file.
Thx for your help.I am updating the Spanish translation, but I see many strings that I can not translate, the title of many windows, the text of some buttons, etc..
If anyone can advise me how I can do it, send me a private.
Thank you.