I especially did not update MedienPortal afterwards via tellnet. But done via receiver update. Everything is now running smoothly.
Glad that you sorted it out!

best regards
I especially did not update MedienPortal afterwards via tellnet. But done via receiver update. Everything is now running smoothly.
VU + UNO 4K SE in flash I have 4.3.023 and shows me no updates. What can I do?
init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 6
try by telnet execute this: opkg upgrade && init 6unfortunately but it doesn't work for me
A situation that does not interfere with anything in the function ...
The disc is in a 4K Duo and Zero 4K has mounted it in a network.
In version 4.2.020 the network assembly:
Opening the Media Player:
Opening E2iStream:
Installed version 4.2.025, by Media Player:
Indicates 2x the Duo 4K disk ...
I used the Zero 4K backup to revert to 4.2.020 but continued to assume the values acquired by the update to 4.2.025.
I have a Uno 4K SE with disk and the same is true for Duo 4K and Duo 4K for Uno 4K SE.
I do not know if in versions 4.2.021 / 22 the same happens, I only have backup of 4.2.023 and then it happens.
Sorry, version is 4.3.0xx