Review Vu+ Solo2 By Black Hole

Meanwhile,i am waiting for SOLO2 from German retailers.
on a market there is a reciver whith tech spec better than have SOLO2!
And saying,that is most sophicticated product on a market rigth now SOLO2 seems to me quiet wrong!!!

Yes we can tell that Solo2 is most sophisticated in category of "working and no-bugged products"
ah ah ah
i am joking :)
short test (in czech language):

some interest informations:
- tuners are "software" (no hw), signal from connetors (from LNB) is going (directly) to processor (see top right corner of mainboard picture)
- RAM 1GB, DDR3 1333 = 4x265MB (4x chip nanya)
- LAN chip - RTL8211E - 10/100/1000
- web browser - Opera, quickly and reliably, control with arrows, software keyboard with national chars, works perfectly also with tv archives
- hbbtv - works well (with czech tv)
- HD channels switch - 0,6 – 0,8 s with FTA, 1,2 – 1,5 s with crypted (audio 0,6 – 0,8 s)
- recording (only 1 tuner) - no problem with simultaneously recording of 6 HD channels + 1 SD, recorded to internal 500 GB HDD Toshiba
- recorded format - ts (decoded)
- LAN downloading speed (from receiver to PC) - 30 MB/s, upload - 9 MB/s
- recording 3 HD channels + viewing other ts (HD) simultaneously - no problem
- PIP (only with 1 tuner) with 2 HD channels - work well (switching, moving little pic on screen)

there is no test with both tuners. shame... :-(
Hi, I have a question for testers. Have a vuSOLO2 a problem with playing recording from HDD? This problem is for all VU+, picture sometimes Freezing. It is all IMG (openpli, VIX, VTI..... and other) and all vu+

Thanks reply.

Maybe you HDD is formatted with NTFS. I had similar problems on my UNO. Slow responses and hichups. After re-formatting it EXT3 all problems were gone. Support for NTFS is there but with performance penalties specifically when writing to the HDD.
Maybe you HDD is formatted with NTFS. I had similar problems on my UNO. Slow responses and hichups. After re-formatting it EXT3 all problems were gone. Support for NTFS is there but with performance penalties specifically when writing to the HDD.

No I used ext3 format. Freezing sometimes appear via playing from hhd, or recording and playing other films. Perhaps is wrong type hdd. Samsung eco green 1TB, Samsung ecogreen 500GB its same problem. If i returned film to same time, it is OK. I dont understand why do it.
You are off topic again.
Please stop because ppl chould think that this is a problem of Solo2.
You have not tested Solo2 so you should not write here about your hdd problems.
@Shiro anyway BogoMIPS can be converted to Ghz? or Mhz?

I think there is a bit of confusion.
Mhz/Ghz are the CPU clock frequency.
BogoMIPS measures the cpu speed in this way. "Bogomips measures how many times the processor goes through a particular programming loop in a second."

The CPU clock is not an absolute value of speed.
Like for example if you compare the speed in BogoMips of a dual core cpu 400Mhz with a single core cpu 700Mhz you will probably see that the 400Mhz dual core is faster than 700 Mhz single core.
The same if you compare two CPU with different architeture and different generations.
A newer genration CPU with a better architeture could be faster than an old cpu with higher clock.
great thanks, btw can u but some light on Broadcom 3d engine and also the CPU is based on 45nm die or lower?
Well the Solo2 of Ev0 is a final product. One of the first unit of mass production.
You can see that it is not downclocked.
The CPU clock is set to 1.3 Ghz
and the BogoMIPS are

Processor0 = 869,37 BogoMIPS
Processor1 = 651,26 BogoMips
total = 1520 BogoMIPS
that is about 195% faster than Dm7020HD, Uno and Ultimo, that have at max 800 BogoMIPS.

Happy Solo2 !

In fact it makes it almost double in performance or 95% faster. Not 195% which would require a triple performance!
Still very welcome but a bit less than suggested by clockspeed going from 400Mhz to 1300Mhz.
The extra HW acceleration is probably more important.
Guys in Germany already received their Solo2 today
i really want to know how BH image works on the commercial units
there are some news about some unstability and PIP problems ?!!
Drivers were released today but it needs a kernel update ????
The drivers released today are to start to implement the transcoding function.
But it is not complete, it is work in progress.
In the meanwhile you have Bh1.7.9 for Solo2 it works fine and PIP works fine with 2 hd channels.
thanks shiro

the biggest problem i see with some people is the settings of the 2 tuners to have PIP from different transponder

this feature is working on BH image on commercial units?
I'm not at home to test
Not to worry.
Yesterday we had an update regarding, among other things for the PIP
I have not tested .

Besides surely will be more updates and changes
the following days and weeks.

Do not worry HW is strong and that he can.
As far as I could see it in other forums
PIP works from different transponders if you have 2 sat instalations connected
also with old drivers and kernel.

New drivers-kernel I have not yet tested