MyMetrix-OpenStore BH 2.0.x

I think this is not the case for the BH - Liste des chaînes 2Layer + MiniEPG widget. The color is fixed violet: can you correct it by the way ? I dont like to publish my version for such little change.


I found a little bit time to look over it. If you look into skin code you'll see that all Progress Bars are defined as "color.png" from /colors Folder.
2Layer ChannelSelection + MiniEPG was coded in the same style, but (i don't know why) it wasn't parsed right by the Plugin to set up your selected
Progressbar color.

However, I've changed it to new style " %METRIX:pROGRESSBAR:COLOR:MULTI% - colored progress bar; defined in MetrixColors (recommended)"

Now its working right, I think I'll change all other ProgressBars to the new Variable

From Documentation:

In MyMetrix you are able to create colored ProgressBars in two different ways. The depreciated way is to set the image path for expamle:
<widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Progress" position="10,10" size="220,5" borderWidth="0" pixmap="MetrixHD/colors/00ffffff.png" >

Now you are able to use a variable instead of the pixmap path:

%METRIX:pROGRESSBAR:COLOR:MULTI% - colored progress bar; defined in MetrixColors (recommended)
Just upgraded BH to ok
but now all the "Running text for extended description "has disappeared from the "default 2layer EPG WIDGET (EIB)"was fine before the upgrade.
Have you deactivated "Default Info Bar Classic" in your SkinParts ?? I think No

Hi @capa,

In fact no, because I was not aware it was needed!
To avoid other peaople to do the same mistake, I suggest you to rename it to "Default Info Bar with Running Text", so user can easly understand that it substitute "Default Info Bar Classic"...

Hell @capa,

I changed the original file to be more easy to add new translations!

In the file I attach, it is just needed to edit the OSD_LANGUAGE (in the file the value is for pt_PT) and the 4 dictionaries, and no needed to change the rest of the code to avoid mistakes! ;)

I did not test it, but it should work! ;)

    # Define here your OSD Language
    OSD_LANGUAGE = "pt_PT"

    # Translated Week Day long string from English to your OSD Language
    def dictWeekDayLong():
        weekDayLong = dict()
        weekDayLong['Monday'] = 'Segunda'
        weekDayLong['Tuesday'] = 'Terça'
        weekDayLong['Wednesday'] = 'Quarta'
        weekDayLong['Thursday'] = 'Quinta'
        weekDayLong['Friday'] = 'Sexta'
        weekDayLong['Saturday'] = 'Sábado'
        weekDayLong['Sunday'] = 'Domingo'
        return weekDayLong
    # Translated Week Day short string from English to your OSD Language
    def dictWeekDayShort():
        weekDayShort = dict()
        weekDayShort['Mon'] = 'Seg'
        weekDayShort['Tue'] = 'Ter'
        weekDayShort['Wed'] = 'Qua'
        weekDayShort['Thu'] = 'Qui'
        weekDayShort['Fri'] = 'Sex'
        weekDayShort['Sat'] = 'Sab'
        weekDayShort['Sun'] = 'Dom'
        return weekDayShort
    # Translated Month long string from English to your OSD Language
    def dictMonthLong():
        monthLong = dict()
        monthLong['January'] = 'Janeiro'
        monthLong['February'] = 'Fevereiro'
        monthLong['March'] = 'Março'
        monthLong['April'] = 'Abril'
        monthLong['May'] = 'Maio'
        monthLong['June'] = 'Junho'
        monthLong['July'] = 'Julho'
        monthLong['August'] = 'Agosto'
        monthLong['September'] = 'Setembro'
        monthLong['October'] = 'Outubro'
        monthLong['November'] = 'Novembro'
        monthLong['December'] = 'Dezembro'
        return monthLong
    # Translated Month short string from English to your OSD Language
    def dictMonthShort():
        monthShort = dict()
        monthShort['Jan'] = 'Jan'
        monthShort['Feb'] = 'Fev'
        monthShort['Mar'] = 'Mar'
        monthShort['Apr'] = 'Abr'
        monthShort['May'] = 'Mai'
        monthShort['June'] = 'Jun'
        monthShort['July'] = 'Jul'
        monthShort['Aug'] = 'Ago'
        monthShort['Sept'] = 'Set'
        monthShort['Oct'] = 'Out'
        monthShort['Nov'] = 'Nov'
        monthShort['Dec'] = 'Dez'
        return monthShort


    2.1 KB · Views: 12

Thx for your Work friends. I thought about the ClockToText and how its possible to do it user friendly ?

As i told several times, I'm not a python coder, but I think the only one solution at the moment is a „All in One" File.

I've modified the "" and have added support for IT, NL, ES, PT, DE and FR language in ONE Converter, so you
don't need anymore to overwrite it with new or other version

@villak , I'll add this File as Default to my MyMetrix Package on Addon Server in next Update

To All Users, feel free to modify or add New Languages to this File, or tell us our language wish and we will do it


    3.4 KB · Views: 26
Just upgraded BH to ok
but now all the "Running text for extended description "has disappeared from the "default 2layer EPG WIDGET (EIB)"was fine before the upgrade.

Sorted....Deleted all and built up skin again from scratch....ok again...but dont know any explanation.

I found a little bit time to look over it. If you look into skin code you'll see that all Progress Bars are defined as "color.png" from /colors Folder.
2Layer ChannelSelection + MiniEPG was coded in the same style, but (i don't know why) it wasn't parsed right by the Plugin to set up your selected
Progressbar color.

However, I've changed it to new style " %METRIX:pROGRESSBAR:COLOR:MULTI% - colored progress bar; defined in MetrixColors (recommended)"

Now its working right, I think I'll change all other ProgressBars to the new Variable

From Documentation:

In MyMetrix you are able to create colored ProgressBars in two different ways. The depreciated way is to set the image path for expamle:
<widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Progress" position="10,10" size="220,5" borderWidth="0" pixmap="MetrixHD/colors/00ffffff.png" >

Now you are able to use a variable instead of the pixmap path:

%METRIX:ROGRESSBAR:COLOR:MULTI% - colored progress bar; defined in MetrixColors (recommended)
Thank you, this is exactly what I was talking about, but I still have doubt in the final result as the progress bar is located on a colored background, as stated in the documentation the white color will be better contrasted :

%METRIX:ROGRESSBAR:COLOR:WHITE% - white progress bar (only use on a metrixBackground2 colored area, i.e. Default HealthWidget)
Thank you, this is exactly what I was talking about, but I still have doubt in the final result as the progress bar is located on a colored background, as stated in the documentation the white color will be better contrasted :

Just set it up to white in mymetrix


Thx for your Work friends. I thought about the ClockToText and how its possible to do it user friendly ?

As i told several times, I'm not a python coder, but I think the only one solution at the moment is a „All in One" File.

I've modified the "" and have added support for IT, NL, ES, PT, DE and FR language in ONE Converter, so you
don't need anymore to overwrite it with new or other version

@villak , I'll add this File as Default to my MyMetrix Package on Addon Server in next Update

To All Users, feel free to modify or add New Languages to this File, or tell us our language wish and we will do it

Hi @capa,

I modified again "" to prepare it for other languages!
I think it will be easier that way... ;)

Hope you will like it.

PS1: I fixed some bad translations... :)
PS2: I did not tested it but it should work! I am not also a python coder... :p

For who do not want to edit the file, just provide the language you use and the translated values for:
    # Translated Week Day long string from English to your OSD Language
    weekDayLong['Monday'] = 'Monday'
    weekDayLong['Tuesday'] = 'Tuesday'
    weekDayLong['Wednesday'] = 'Wednesday'
    weekDayLong['Thursday'] = 'Thursday'
    weekDayLong['Friday'] = 'Friday'
    weekDayLong['Saturday'] = 'Saturday'
    weekDayLong['Sunday'] = 'Sunday'
    # Translated Week Day short string from English to your OSD Language
    weekDayShort['Mon'] = 'Mon'
    weekDayShort['Tue'] = 'Tue'
    weekDayShort['Wed'] = 'Wed'
    weekDayShort['Thu'] = 'Thu'
    weekDayShort['Fri'] = 'Fri'
    weekDayShort['Sat'] = 'Sat'
    weekDayShort['Sun'] = 'Sun'
    # Translated Month long string from English to your OSD Language
    monthLong['January'] = 'January'
    monthLong['February'] = 'February'
    monthLong['March'] = 'March'
    monthLong['April'] = 'April'
    monthLong['May'] = 'May'
    monthLong['June'] = 'June'
    monthLong['July'] = 'July'
    monthLong['August'] = 'August'
    monthLong['September'] = 'September'
    monthLong['October'] = 'October'
    monthLong['November'] = 'November'
    monthLong['December'] = 'December'

    # Translated Month short string from English to your OSD Language
    monthShort['Jan'] = 'Jan'
    monthShort['Feb'] = 'Feb'
    monthShort['Mar'] = 'Mar'
    monthShort['Apr'] = 'Apr'
    monthShort['May'] = 'May'
    monthShort['June'] = 'June'
    monthShort['July'] = 'July'
    monthShort['Aug'] = 'Aug'
    monthShort['Sept'] = 'Sept'
    monthShort['Oct'] = 'Oct'
    monthShort['Nov'] = 'Nov'
    monthShort['Dec'] = 'Dec'


    3 KB · Views: 18
Last edited:

Is your file working automatically like my? Or do you need to add or change language every time in ?

The Idea is to get only one file. Upload it as SkinPart and if we want add a language then need only update the SkinPart in OpenStore

Is your file working automatically like my? Or do you need to add or change language every time in ?

The Idea is to get only one file. Upload it as SkinPart and if we want add a language then need only update the SkinPart in OpenStore

My file is like yours, but il will be easier to add new languages!

JUst open it and you will see... :)