MyMetrix-OpenStore BH 2.0.x


Vu+ User
Thank you! I've tried and just got a nice greenscreen jejejje
Wait till you upload the file, ES and compare it to mine to see what I've done wrong
Thank you again!


Vu+ User+++

MetrixHD - Clock and Date Translation

please change the Converter to this one you need.

File Folder : /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/

Files: -- IT -- DE -- ES -- NL


    1.8 KB · Views: 31
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    2 KB · Views: 5


Vu+ User
Thanks again, though, I had managed to operate. Every time we install the Skin need to place the file? Or is there possibility to place inside skin, or create a Blackhole part?
Finally understand, I should install the plugin SIB, to use the SIB parts?
Thanks @capa!


Vu+ User+++
Thanks again, though, I had managed to operate. Every time we install the Skin need to place the file? Or is there possibility to place inside skin, or create a Blackhole part?
Finally understand, I should install the plugin SIB, to use the SIB parts?
Thanks @capa!
Wait to new update. I'll input code for SIB back into skin because i've removed it. you have install only once if you update or reinstall image.
I've to look how we can menage this


Vu+ User
One thing I have also noticed, in the Default widget - ChannelName (IB) for the Spanish language does not show accents, eg C+ fútbol, C+ ftbol. By modifying the file, Data (font = "SetrixHD; 140) by (font =" SetrixHD; 138) works well.
Thank you again!


Vu+ Newbie
Wait to new update. I'll input code for SIB back into skin because i've removed it. you have install only once if you update or reinstall image.
I've to look how we can menage this

Hi capa and thanks for all updates

But i would like to have french translations for the skin and widgates


Vu+ User+++
Hi capa and thanks for all updates

But i would like to have french translations for the skin and widgates

hi, sorry but i can't french language. But it is very easy to translate this clock widget and the MyMetrix Plugin.
I can show you how to do it, and you can translate it for you and us. OK ?


Vu+ User
hi, sorry but i can't french language. But it is very easy to translate this clock widget and the MyMetrix Plugin.
I can show you how to do it, and you can translate it for you and us. OK ?
If you need help with Spanish translations of the plugin, or for testing the skin, I'll be happy to help


Vu+ User
yes of course, you can translate MyMetrix to Spanish if you want. That's would be nice...
For my perfect when you want to start, but you tell me how to do it ... folders, files, software for translations ... Thanks for all your work!


Vu+ User+++
For my perfect when you want to start, but you tell me how to do it ... folders, files, software for translations ... Thanks for all your work!

You can use free software "poedit" :

then just download this folder to your PC:


in this folder you'll find LC_MESSAGES/MyMetrix.po

open MyMetrix.po with "poedit" program and change all translations to Spanish.

after that create folder and copy your translated MyMetrix.po in it:

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MyMetrix/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/MyMetrix.po <<-- your translated File


Vu+ Newbie
hi, sorry but i can't french language. But it is very easy to translate this clock widget and the MyMetrix Plugin.
I can show you how to do it, and you can translate it for you and us. OK ?

Yes of course if you want me how to do . thanks


Vu+ User
You can use free software "poedit" : ...

then just download this folder to your PC:


in this folder you'll find LC_MESSAGES/MyMetrix.po

open MyMetrix.po with "poedit" program and change all translations to Spanish.

after that create folder and copy your translated MyMetrix.po in it:

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MyMetrix/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/MyMetrix.po <<-- your translated File
I'm on it, when I have shows, I tell Thanks!


Vu+ Newbie
hi can you change the settengs for wether for your own reg? i do not know witch country it is set up for, but it,s not for mine?
thank,s for the great skin by the way.


BH Lover
hi can you change the settengs for wether for your own reg? i do not know witch country it is set up for, but it,s not for mine?
thank,s for the great skin by the way.
Go on the open store website and look for mymetrix weather id I think. Itll give ya a number once you put in your reg. Then add it to the my metrix plugin>general settings


Vu+ User
You can use free software "poedit" :

then just download this folder to your PC:


in this folder you'll find LC_MESSAGES/MyMetrix.po

open MyMetrix.po with "poedit" program and change all translations to Spanish.

after that create folder and copy your translated MyMetrix.po in it:

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MyMetrix/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/MyMetrix.po <<-- your translated File
I got it, I did everything you say, and Gui rebooted, but still get out the translation. In the German language, there are two files the. po and. mo, will not be for that?
I'll leave the translation here